Custom file does not exist C:\wdisplay\webfiles\testtags.txt

Thunder radar blitzortung!

Rain radar rain snow radar

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There is a communication problem. Go directly to the Meteoalarm site : and check the Weather-warnings there .

Current status of the weather systems used in the operation of this website

Station system is up for 34 days 23 hours 45 minutes 41 seconds

This station uses Weather Display (version 10.37S b 100) software for weather conditions reporting

This software runs on a My Computer computer

  Component Status Age
Latest update time as of 
08-02-2025 20:51 
 WD live uploadWD/clientraw.txt NOT Current 14674:15:38 0:01:30 
08-06-2023 11:36 
 Steelseries gauges uploadWD/customclientraw.txt NOT Current 44417:21:13 0:01:30 
16-01-2020 03:30 
 Weather data files uploadWD/testtags.php NOT Current 32029:31:32 0:05:30 
15-06-2021 08:20 
 Weather data time 16-01-2020 03:30 NOT Current 44417:21:47 0:05:30 
16-01-2020 03:30 
 graphs uploadWD/dirplot.gif NOT Current 32029:31:32 1:00:30 
15-06-2021 08:20